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The Potential of Technology-Based Education

Technology-based education is beneficial because of the analytic and reporting abilities technology provides. Teachers do not have to spend valuable time assessing each student and grading assignments that could easily be assessed with the right technological tools and programs. Also,

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Benefits of Educational Technology

Educational technology can be defined as the integration of Internet and other types of information technologies into learning experience. Technology has caused a revolutionary change in the classroom and teaching methods all over the world. This term grows along with

Education Technology in Our Changing World

Technology is everywhere and entwined in our daily lives so when technology in the classroom is used correctly it opens up possibilities for more student learning. I strive to make my classroom a fun, engaging place to learn every day.

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Scholarships are often intimidating at times. It can be competitive, but even so, most students are unaware they qualify for all types of scholarships. Here are some of the more common myths: The scholarship application process is a one-time thing. Most

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Studying means spending a lot of money. If you feel like you can’t support your study, financial aid is available to lessen the burden. There are numerous grants and scholarships that you can qualify for, but you must spend some